Branding, HXD/UXD, Website
Investors in People
Client Investors In People
Project Market expansion
Year 2018
Work Platform redesign, data visualisation

Investors in People stands as a globally recognized workplace accreditation provider, specialising in people management and employee wellbeing. The organisation identified an opportunity to expand their client base beyond their traditional enterprise clients, and intended to target dynamic, privately-held companies with younger leadership.

This strategic evolution required a complete reassessment of their onboarding experience, aiming for both heuristic and hedonic principles to met. I started the project with analysing client materials, such as satisfaction metrics, user journey pain points, engagement patterns and drop-off rates. The review was followed by a page restructuring, particularly in the initial engagement stages to capture the new customer segment.


The need for refreshing the visual identity also emerged from the shift in market segment and the evolving consumer preferences. This transformation aimed to connect with the new segment while preserving the brand's core identity and heritage. The brand recognition was achieved by maintaining essential visual elements that customers already associate with the brand, while adapting new ones that resonate with new demographic visual preferences.

To support the development and ensure consistent brand expression across touchpoints, I've provided modular design which included the creation of reusable components and a scalable style guide.